
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Amazing Wonders Aviation & Tomorrow Clubs

At the end of this month, my church will be having their VBS.

My concern is that many churches and parents feel that VBS is a babysitting service.

VBS can be a wonderful outreach tool--many families will come to VBS that do not regularly go to church. I want every child who attends VBS to have a good time--but most importantly I want them to hear how awesome God is and that they can be saved from the punishment of their sins through the loving sacrifice of Jesus Christ. If nothing else, I want to sow the seeds of salvation in the hearts of these children--and by extension, their family.
That is why I choose the Tomorrow Clubs as the recipient of our mission offering.

Tomorrow Clubs is a weekly ministry that now reaches more than 11,500 Ukrainian children across the country by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. 70 - 80% of these children do not attend church. The ministry is run completely by local Ukrainian staff. Over 400 clubs operate on a weekly basis, staffed by 1,500 Ukrainian volunteers. Tomorrow Clubs partner with local churches in Ukraine to support and operate these clubs. When children and their parents become interested in attending church services, Tomorrow Club leaders connect them to local congregations.
If you would like to support Tomorrow Clubs financial, click here.

Please pray that God is lifted up during our VBS.


We have been working hard to get VBS ready, I would like to thank the ladies who helped me with this 8 foot x 12 foot backdrop that is going to be in our kindergarten class. 

I love the jelly fish -- they were made by cutting a child's bouncy ball into quarters (could only use three of the pieces because of the bar code) and then used fancy yarns as the tentacles. The corals are Hawaiian leis. I printed out the fish and turtles from graphics I got on the internet and VBS clipart disc.

We were blessed to get a lot of these 8 foot foam boards from a local production company that was throwing them away. I forgot how expensive foam board could be! I would say that this entire project cost around $15 to make. (2 balls and 3 packages of leis from Dollar Tree = $5, Fish and turtles printed by volunteer = free, scrap yarn = free, blue tulle from JoAnn's = less that $10, used foam board from production company = free)
These are the boards I made for our mission offering. This first is information about the Tomorrow Clubs and the second charts how much money we have collected. The plane flies from our church to Ukraine as the collection increases.

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