
Friday, May 7, 2010

I Don't Want To Grow Up . . . .

As we come to the end of another school year, I realize just how fast my girls are growing up.

My oldest is growing into a beautiful young lady. She is struggling with growing up . . . she still wants to play with dolls and have tea parties. I tell her
. . . what is wrong with that? There will be plenty of time to be grown up --
keep your childhood as long as possible . . .
Then we go outside and play.

My youngest is 7 and boy she is a handful. She is struggling with growing up also.
She stills wants to be cuddled and hugged like one of her teddy bears.
So guess what? . . . We cuddle and hug.

I tell my girls not to be in a rush to grow up--I am having way too much fun.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Neat Puzzle Site

Found a neat site that makes puzzles out of your photo or any image you have.

Have fun solving (HINT: Veggies are good for you.)

provided by

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oh My! It's been so long.

I did not realize it has been so long since I posted. Life just totally got away from me. We got WAY behind in homeschooling and I have been trying so hard to catch us up. I think we are finally there. We are having a fun time learning about Botany and we are making a lapbook with it. We have finished Part 1 of the lapbook and am now working on part 2. I will try to post pictures by the weekend.

We are having so much fun (even though we are "playing catch up").

Spanish is a trip. During math, my youngest gives me her answers in Spanish. It is bad enough I have to "do" math--I now have to translate to English in the process. We made Mexican wedding cookies yesterday and one of their crafts. It was real fun. If you have younger kids and want to expose them to a foreign language. I would recommend La Clase Divertida. When they get a little older, I am thinking about getting Rosetta Stone.

I tried a different math with my youngest. It is a program from England called CIMT-MEP (Center for Innovation in Mathematics Teach - Mathematics Enhancement Program). It is free, but you need to join the MEP-Homeschoolers Yahoo Group to get the password to unlock some of the pages. I really like the format.

I am not thrilled with our choice of science book, but we are enjoying learning about botany. I modified some of the stuff to make it not quite so "trite".

Well, guess I need to stop typing and get back to my kiddos. Hope to write soon.